Nuclear Engineering Division

Argonne Open House 2009


The Nuclear Engineering Division thanks all participants which contributed to make a success of the Open House event.

Argonne opened its gates to the community on Saturday, August 29, from 9am to 4:30pm.
NE actively participated in this event with activities inside and outside Building 208, the home of the Nuclear Engineering Division.

Inside building 208

Nuclear Engineering; National Security; Environment, Safety and Health

  1. Learn how a nuclear reactor works.
  2. Learn how nuclear energy can help meet America’s needs for safe and secure energy without contributing to global warming.
  3. Visit the nuclear energy history exhibit that highlights our pioneering role in developing peaceful uses of nuclear technology used by major nuclear power plants throughout the world.
    Don't miss the opportunity to explore the exhibit which, in the words of "Nuclear News" magazine,  "taking advantage of advances in computer- generated graphics and displays artifacts dating back to the Manhattan Project, is a fascinating trip that starts with the dawn of the nuclear age and travels through the history of Argonne’s unique role in the development of nuclear power".

Tell me more about it…

Argonne’s newly renovated Nuclear Energy Exhibit is featured in:
Argonne's Nuclear Energy Exhibit - at the EESA web site.
The five-page article (and photos) from the April 2009 issue of Nuclear News covering the December 2, 2008 grand reopening of the exhibit is also available:
Celebration marks opening of renovated historical exhibit at Argonne
[page in pdf format  PDF, 571KB];

  1. Learn about Argonne’s key role in the worldwide effort to use advanced nuclear technologies that enhance energy security and promote nonproliferation.

On the lawn (directly across from building 208)

  1. Find out about our National Security Programs and see demonstrations of various technologies developed to keep the community safe.

Tell me more about it…

  1. Learn what is being done to convert research reactors around the world to the use of non-weapons-grade materials to reduce the spread of nuclear weapons.

Tell me more about it…

  1. Learn about Argonne's internationally recognized expertise in decommissioning reactors at their end-of-life.

Tell me more about it…

  1. Meet the Vulnerability Assessment Team and learn how they break into physical security devices, systems and programs to expose their weaknesses in order to make them more secure.
  1. See the ice slurry technology that can save heart attack victims and surgery patients.

More information

NE Activities
More information about these and other Nuclear Engineering activities can be found by navigating our website. If you have further questions, please contact us.

Below is a partial list of posters and fact sheets presented by NE at the Argonne Open House 2006.

Nuclear Energy
Check also our Nuclear Energy Learning Resources web site for an extensive list of web sites and resources to learn about nuclear energy.

Posters and Fact Sheets

Presented by NE at the Argonne Open House (at the 2006 Edition)

The posters and fact sheets are all in PDF format.
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Last Modified: Wed, April 20, 2016 4:57 AM


For more information:

For more information, please contact the Nuclear Engineering Division () at Argonne.


Contact NSE Division